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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Scout 1 -Camping

Livingstone Patrol had annual camp at different parts of the island. The most memorable camp was at Tanah Merah hillock behind the Changi Prison. It was my first scout camp and I learned to be independant. I cooked and washed for the first time. Not bad eh! We had our camp at the small clearing facing the sea. It was breezy and water supply was from a nearby spring coming from the hill. We used the water from the spring for cooking, washing and bathing.

Visitors in scout uniform

Hey, I can cook!

Wow, my cooking it's yummy!

Guests walking to the camp

Guests enjoying my cooking!

Continuous flow of spring water

Washing up

Last day of camp

Preparing to break camp


professor said...

That is Wing Loong Road campsite. Finally get to see something from my childhood days.

PChew said...

I am sorry professor to diappoint you. The camp site was at the end of old Tanah Merah Road. Wing Loong Road was quite a distant to the right of our camp.

professor said...

I am not sure why the scouts camp was called Wing Loong Road Camp. Was yours different from the one at Wing Loong Camp?

The fence in the photo with the girls walking past later became the SAF 2 SIB HQ. if I am not worng, entry was at the junction of Nicoll Drive and Tanah Merah Besar Road, passed tanah Merah Park, David Marshall's house and a race stable by the beach (where race horses were brought for a swim).

PChew said...

Yes, David Marshall house was at Wing Loong Road facing the sea. As I said, our scout camp was quite a distance away and was not called Wing Loong Road Camp in 1950s. Later if the whole area came under Wing Loong Road, then you are right. The fence you mentioned was part of Changi Prison security fence. I do not know if later it became the SAF 2 SIB HQ. Anyway, thanks for your interesting comments.

Lam Chun See said...

Wow. Your photos still very sharp after 1/2 century.

Looks like you had a great time. Such activities are memorable. Like my camp at Pulau Tekong. That's why, we should encourage our kids to take up more CCA. Even if scholastic results suffer a bit, I don't mind. 3, 4 decades down the road, they are not going to remember scoring distinction in this or that subject. But they will remember such activities with fondness.

PChew said...

Thanks Chun See for your visit. I agree that CCA should be encouraged to school children. It's not only character building but one day will be fond memories to them.

Jinghui said...

Being a former Boy Scout, it was great to view photos of scouting in Singapore during its early days.

Thank you for sharing on your scouting experiences in Singapore.

Looking foward to read more on your scouting memories !

Lam Chun See said...

Hi Philip. Did you read my friend John Harper's story about his scouting days in Changi in late 50's? If not you can read it here.

PChew said...

Thanks Chun See, I just read your friend, John Harper's story about his scouting days in Changi. It's very interesting especially both his parents were involved in his scout activities. It's like a family affair. I wish Asian parents would do likewise to encourage their kids. I remember the bendy copper wire circuit. It needed a steady hand to negotiate around the bends. I tried but never successful.

Unknown said...

The place is called Ayer Gemuroh.

PChew said...

We called the place Tanah Merah. It was on a hill at the bend of Jalan Tanah Merah behind Changi Prison. Ayer Gemuroh was a distance away from the site.