Thursday, August 16, 2012

Gypsy Dance 1960s

Gypsy Dance at Bethesda Kindergarten

I was searching for some old photos and came across the above picture. My daughter was in K2 Bethesda Kindergarten at Frankel Estate. It was her class graduation day and parents were invited. Before the presentation of Graduation Certificate, her class performed a gypsy dance as in the above picture. This photo was taken in the mid 1960. My daughter is 3rd from the left. I hope to bring fond memories to the girls who are now very close to 50 years old or older. I believe they are mothers and one or two might even be grandmothers.


  1. Dear Bapak P Chew yang saya hormati.
    Apa kabar?

    Nama Saya Dean, saya tinggal di Jakarta, tapi saya orang Melayu dari Medan. Saya sangat suka mengikuti blog Bapak. Sangat penuh kenangan, dan foto-foto yang bercerita. Sudah 2 tahun saya mengikuti blog Bapak.

    Saya juga penulis di Jakarta, sekarang saya sedang menulis cerita berdasarkan sejarah Sultan-Sultan di eastern coast Sumatera. Cerita ini mengambil waktu di awal tahun 90an.

    Saya perlu pertolongan, apakah Bapak tahu blog yang bercerita tentang Singapura di tahun akhir 80an atau awal 90an?

    Saya sangat berterimakasih atas bantuan informasi dari Bapak.

    Ini email saya:


    Syahmedi Dean

  2. Syahmedi is searching for blog posts that tell the story of Singapore between year 1980 and 1990s.

    Can anyone help him?
