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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Vacation In US

My son and my grandchildren

Swimming pool behind the house

I am here already a week. How time flies. My son and his family lived in Anaheim, California. His house has a swimming pool and we swim almost daily as the day temperature here is between 80 to 100 degree F. Wine and beer are very cheap and needless to say we drank like fish especially by the poolside in the evening.

Disneyland is nearby his house and nightly there is fireworks before closing time. I could watch it from the backyard or for better viewing, from a back window on the upper floor.

Sunrise at Belmont Pier, Long Beach

On Saturday morning I and my son went fishing at Belmont Pier, Long Beach. We started at 4.30 am and drove for about 30 minutes to the site. There were many types of fish in the sea. On that day, there was a lot of sardine fish. A Phillipino family had half a pail full. We were targeting for other types of fish and managed to get nine. When we arrived at the pier the sun had not risen yet and there were few people. Later more and more anglers appeaered and by 10.00 am the pier was crowded and also time for us to head for home.

My son holding his catch, a croaker

This is a buttermouth

This fish is sand bass

This fish is sand shark


yg said...

hi mr chew, so, you have heeded timbuktu's advice to continue blogging while you are overseas. it's good to read about your experiences in the states. now, we know that there is still quite a lot of food in the sea, at least the sea off california.

Thimbuktu said...

Welcome back to Blogosphere, Philip.

Glad to know that you're having a great time with the family in US.

For one moment, I thought that you've gone on a retreat to the high mountains in the States to meditate...hahaha just kidding :)

Thank you for sharing your joy.

Have a happy holiday. Save the happy moments for walking down memory lane in the future via your Nostalgia blog.


Unk Dicko said...

There are 2, 3 things that I really love mentioned in this post story.
I love Anaheim!
Fishing..has been at it all my life!
And Disneyland...Wow!
If I get to Anaheim again, I must drop in to say hello to your folks.
Looking from the pics you must have had a great time there.

PChew said...

Yes, I had a great time in US as you can see my photos and videos in Facebook. I shall invite you to join Facebook so that you can view them. My son's house in Anaheim is very close to Disneyland. I could see Disneyland's fireworks every night from the poolside of the house. And lastly you are welcome to drop by to say hello to my folks.

PChew said...

Hi Dick, I don't have your email address and therefore can't invite you to view my photos and videos in Facebook. If you give me your emial address, it'll be confidential and will not be published.